New Option Special for simple 60 mins hand gel! -You can add 2 x Flower art, just additional $15. -choose your favorite flower type from sample photo below. Ex. One flower for each hand- adding it on your favorite fingerš Even if you do not pick any studs, stones, such a nail charm, please try those type of flower art as a great accent for your simple one color hand gel design.
Book your appointment, select "Special Promotion 60 mins hand gel" if you don't need "Off-removal". *Please add "Off/Removal" option menu on your appointment if you needed
Pick your favorite color for base design color.(We have sample color chart at salon) - This is based on "one color" simple hand gel design.
Pick up your favorite flower art from those 3 x type of flower art
Choose your favorite color of flower art. - sample picture is WHITE to draw flower art
Choose your favorite finger (up to 2) to add on flower art
Sample Photo:
LEFT: Add outline on petals, round type flower
Middle/Center: Draw flower (small to medium size) on the center of nail
RIGHT: One x Big petal flower (draw half size/big flower)
*Expire on Sep 30th 2019 for this special promotion. - please book your appointment by 9/30/2019.
*You can use this promotion 2-times per person during promotion weeks.
*Cannot combine with any other discount.
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